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Majrelende OP wrote (edited )

they will throw the bodies in a pit

they think that it will give them life but it gives them death

they think that it will give them life but it gives them death.

they will destroy and then realise that what they had, they could never possess

they will kill and then realise that what they had, they could never possess

they will kill and know only that they suffer

because they have forgotten what happiness means

they have forgotten what happiness means

like the cartels, they kill and kill and kill and make the world a poorer place

and they will raise themselves up and fall from their height into the pits of hell

and the worst thing is that they will never think, "what have I done?"

and the worst thing is that they will die, drowning in the blood of their family

and the worst thing is that they will die, drowning in the blood of their family.