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Gardon00765 wrote

Once more changing subject because you cant defend your claims


Chairman_Meh wrote

It's a new thread, buddy! You fell out of the original. New thread equals new subject! I know, difficult keeping up with the minutia when you're being all big-brain and questioning our adherence to anarchism or whatever little bullshit you were spouting there.


Gardon00765 wrote

You realize dodging out to a new one to avoid responding doesnt change what I've said right? I know you like playing the little smart ass but it aint really working right now. So you can go ahead n stay on topic lol


Chairman_Meh wrote

Not dodging, right here buddy! But that's okay, I can come here too. How much do pizza delivery drivers make, Gard?


Gardon00765 wrote

depends where you work silly. As said. Still dodging even if your ashamed.


Chairman_Meh wrote

How much do pizza delivery drivers make where you live, Gard?

Oh, and '*you're'. Careful there buddy, you're slipping again!


Gardon00765 wrote

As I have said to you many times. It depends where. Do you think every fucking restaurant pays the same? I feel like I'm talking to a toddler. Do you need help figuring out how to wipe your ass too?


Chairman_Meh wrote

LOL weak dodge pick a place at random in your town and tell me, dingbat! Give me a name of a place and the wage they quoted and I'll shut up and you will have won the internet. Hurry, I'm getting bored again.


Gardon00765 wrote

Aight just got done checking. Pizzahut near me pays 13 dollars an hour starting out.


Chairman_Meh wrote

Good work! Which town?


Gardon00765 wrote

Lol no thank you piggy. Wierd you try to get me to do myself when you lose an argument tho. Seems kinda petty


Chairman_Meh wrote

Alas, Gard. I think I've run out of amusement potential with you. You jumped through all my little hoops with almost no effort and dangit, we got you right up to the edge before we had to jete back. It's okay though.

Do you have any other strange things you'd like to claim knowledge on before I block you? Guess we'll never know.



Gardon00765 wrote (edited )

Wow. Can I get a second opinion here? Preferably not from someone to deep in the herd. Seems wierd that even when you got shown wrong directly you still need to try and spin this as you winning. The poor baby gonna block me cuz they got shown wrong. What a fucking baby lol. Go back to the herd to suckle some more ya sad fuck


[deleted] wrote


Chairman_Meh wrote

that's true that's true, I don't want to know where you live Gard. Good call, thanks.