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catachresis wrote

Reply to comment by tuesday in Friday Free Talk by asterism

I could be wrong but I think peaches are more of an allergen than stone fruit as a whole so you might be able to get away with other fruits. Also melons and berries are delicious too! (Did you know bananas are a berry?)


tuesday wrote

i mean that would still suck but if it's only peaches would be better.

im also allergic to mango, just the peel though bc of my latex allergy.


catachresis wrote

I didn’t know there was latex in mango skins!

Ya pleaches are delicious. I’m lucky I don’t have any allergies. Canned peaches are probably still gonna be bad too, huh?


tuesday wrote

apparently it can develop for people with allergies to birch pollen. there's a similar protein that the immune system confuses for the pollen in the meat of the fruit. I'm allergic to nature in general so i would have to avoid it entirely. :(