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lettuceLeafer OP wrote

Wow what a hot anti anarchist thot take. Next u will say that there is a ethical difference between buying a shirt which might have been made with child slave labor. U should really do some anarchist praxis and jerk it to child porn bc no ethical consumption under capitalism. Hell fuck a horse while u watch. It's the capitalists fault it's unethical.


asterism wrote

Am I riding saddle or bareback?


lettuceLeafer OP wrote (edited )

ok time to go to horny jail. jk lol

I know u can't help urself from making puns


asterism wrote

I know u can't help urself from making puns

You are right it is my eternal punishment.


lettuceLeafer OP wrote

Wow I can tell u have been strongly influenced by our lord and savior Yakub.