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existential1 wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted30 in by !deleted8445

Oh man, thats a lot. Sorry you had to experience that. And it sounds like it might not be the last time. My parents were kinda black radically folks and one thing i remember from childhood that might be of some help is that i remember them specifically having a conversation about household "chores" that was really in retrospect them talking to me about how their marriage worked. They basically talked to me about how they both like cooking so they both do that but one didn't like to do x and other didn't mind y so they split up chores. The punchline was that I was an only child so i had to clean my own room and the bathroom that i used and every guest used as well. They were funny like that.

But the point I'm trying to get across is that some 25 years later I remember my parents talking to me about the fact that some chores are shared and if people don't like what others are doing they can always do more to satisfy themselves but they can never do less. Like your kiddo probably will (hopefully for very different reasons) I was making full meals by 5th grade since they both worked jobs 2 hrs away by car and didnt get home till after 7pm. And i was happy to do it because i felt like i was helping. But that never wouldve happened if my parents didn't expose me to how they separated work and held each other accountable...and how i was supposed to hold them accountable...and how i was supposed to be accountable. But...that sort of rad honesty isn't for everyone. My aunts and uncles hated the way my parents "ruined my childhood."

But back to you...Im sorry. That sucks. I don't know your dynamic with your family but I have very strong feelings about rad honesty from parents. Also...when ya mans/partner gonna fix that oven/stove? XD