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[deleted] wrote

Reply to comment by ab5 in Friday Free Talk: 22/10/2021 by mofongo


mofongo OP wrote

Komi can't communicate is a nice slice of life about a girl whose social anxiety makes her completely non-verbal. It's very popular right now. I haven't read it but the few panel that have come my way seem very charming.

Oh! Teasing Master Takagi-san. Two young teenagers discovering love for the first time by an endless teasing competition. It made this old dogs heart feel young again.

There's also a concurrent sequel of their married life with their daughter.


moonlune wrote

komi can't communicate

Here's what I thought of it: /f/Anime/135958/manga-review-komi-can-t-communicate


ab5 wrote

I've read two or three stories by Junji Ito and I liked them, so I might look into some collections. Thank you for the idea!

I was also trying to find some "slice of life" mangas, but most of them seem to be problematic one way or another.


mofongo OP wrote

They're a slice of life by Junji Ito, he talks about his life with his wife and cats.


[deleted] wrote


ab5 wrote

Yes, I understand. But sometimes it's nice to discover some "pure" stories that, at least, try to avoid the most common issues in media.

I've just read about the ending of Usagi Drop and it's sickening; I'd love to avoid things like that.