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kin wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted31467 in friday free talk by emma

Somehow I appreciate loneliness and being with myself better than the average, but I can tell you that deep in my personality/ego/persona I crave truthful and meaningful contact that I only experienced a handful of times in my life.

I don't want to spend time with friends just doing nothing, this I can do alone. But not all people want to (or feel comfortable) go deep in conversation or other bond forming activity. I have higher regard to the person who I only saw once in a party but we felt like long time friends than some "friends" that I spent more time just mindlessly drinking and talking any standart subject that we both don't care about.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


kin wrote (edited )

And I do think that lots of people avoid sharing interests, hopes & dreams, bc of fear of being misunderstood or diminished. I guess I don't have the same struggles you have dealing with people opinions\looks\ comments about your gender. Maybe in the future we will have more and more safe spaces, I can only hope...

I think we did! 23!