Submitted by JessicaStalin in lobby

Hey guys it's JessicaStalin, new to rabble, I'm also on twitter, lemmy / lemmygrad, onlyfans and insta.

I've been a leftist for 5 months and a communist for 2. I'm in college (music) and do porn to buy books. I have a cuddly pitbull rescue called Moe and my fave food is turkey jerky.



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lettuceLeafer wrote

Hey be nice people, they haven't been a piece of shit yet. Give them like 15 mins.


JessicaStalin OP wrote

I'm not planning on being a piece of shit in 15 minutes either but whatev.


lettuceLeafer wrote

Cool that's good to hear. Your probably the most enjoyable person to talk to who has ever come from Lemmy or Chapo.


Fool wrote (edited )

do porn to buy books

Whoa, I like reading as much as the next person, but I think you might want to get some sort of re-hab for your book addiction.

Edit: /s


JessicaStalin OP wrote

Lol we have to buy the books to pass exams.


Fool wrote

Like Pay to Win?
Gamerfication is getting out of control.
I hope the Uni is at least Free to Play.

Maybe just don't worry about passing exams, and play for fun instead.


zoom_zip wrote

I've been a leftist for 5 months and a communist for 2.

this is too funny

i thought this was a joke account when you said that

what kind of music do you make?