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[deleted] wrote (edited )


Dumai OP wrote (edited )

i guess i don't necessarily regret reading academic theory because it's bad -- tho i'm not saying its good either -- but because i tried to grapple with it before i was really equipped to understand the conversations & debates this stuff is all written in response to, which led to a lot of embarassing confusions & misunderstandings on my part. when really just reading marx and other communist stuff would have been a better use of my time at that fertile stage

academic marxism is... not great, on the whole, i will grant you that. aside from that i'd say foucault has his place. no time for derrida or deleuze tho


[deleted] wrote


ruin wrote

Better to just jump in at something interesting and work back if you need to imo.

This is 100% my approach. Also, I refuse to read anything that bores me. I read for myself and have no issues putting down texts halfway through.