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ziq wrote (edited )

Do you not see how a population who get all their information from the state and its various arms and are forbidden from even speaking of non-state-sanctioned information would be under the impression that their government is good?

Do the alarmingly frequent arrests of Marxist dissidents who speak out against the state's officials not alarm you?

If people around you were being arrested for not approving of the rulers, do you think you would then be brave enough to publicly announce you don't approve of them?


Grace OP wrote

The state exists to oppress a class. That's how states have always been. The dictatorship of the proletariat use the state to oppress the bourgeois. It is a necessity to silence the bourgeois and their counter revolutions.

Criticism of the Chinese party is fine, and Chinese forums are known to debate on new policies the party has put forward. Read State and Revolution by Lenin to learn more about why it's good to have a Dictatorship of the Proletariat.


ziq wrote (edited )

The state exists to oppress a class.

But historically, the new ML state has always given rise to new classes and those in a privileged class have invariably exploited workers, peasants, colonized and indigenous peoples. China even has a billionaire class at the top of the hierarchy right next to the politburo, and ethnic minorities in China occupy the lowest classes, exploited and persecuted by every class above them. The state directs this institutional inequality with its monopoly on violence.

The dictatorship of the proletariat use the state to oppress the bourgeois.

Since you were an anarchist, I'm sure you understand how power dynamics work and that when you give an institution a monopoly on violence (private ownership of guns is forbidden in socialist states) and the power to oppress, they will not simply use that authority against the rich. They will use it against everyone and anyone that they decide poses any kind of a threat to their power and their personal vision for society (which will be based on their ability to maintain that power), including competing Marxists, anarchists, queers, ethnic minorities, disabled people and migrants.

Since we've seen the exact same thing play out for 102 years now all over the world, with socialist revolutions spawning state capitalism, mass executions of revolutionaries, mass censorship, forced labor for dissidents, and then the amassing of wealth and power for the party elite and their friends, don't you think it's time to break the death cycle and try something different?

Read State and Revolution by Lenin to learn more about why it's good to have a Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

Or better yet, witness exactly how this theory played out in practice multiple times in history. Witness the proven failure and don't repeat it again.


Grace OP wrote

Reading Lenin changed my entire ideology. He is a true genius, and explains all of this really well. China prides itself on being a multi-ethnic country, and han supremacy literally doesnt exist. Tibet literally was a slave theocracy, and I'm glad it was liberated.


suma wrote

Do you agree with Lenin's orders to "introduce mass terror" - to torture and then slaughter scores of workers and peasants? What about his order to carry out a massacre of sex workers who he said were corrupting dock workers? Both orders are discussed in w/tankies if you don't know about it.

If you don't agree with these moves, why do you you consider him a "true genius"? How can someone who was responsible for such unthinkable atrocities, and ultimately the counter-revolution that ensured the eventual reversion to free market capitalism?


Grace OP wrote

I'm sure you have a source on these extreme claims, right?


suma wrote

I gave you the source. Scroll to the bottom of the wiki for the citations.



ziq wrote (edited )

Tibetians don't seem to think they're liberated in any way, do their wishes not matter to you because you consider them reactionaries?

Do you not see how this thinking is no different than your fellow Americans insisting Iraq has been "liberated" by NATO?

Don't you think people are deserving of self determination? Would you rather their decisions be made for them by outside forces? Their lives governed by a state they reject as an invader? Is this socialism to you? Because it sounds no different to me than US imperialism.

Since you're an American, is it possible you've internalized a deeply ingrained colonizer mentality and are now applying it to your politics and the lives of people in distant lands who have no interest in your plans for them?


Grace OP wrote

The Tibetan people were liberated, and I mean it. They were literally in a feudal slave state. Anything is better than that. They used to be the Dalai Lama's personal slaves.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


Grace OP wrote

of course not. I get sources from many people and sources that dont come straight from the mouth of the US propaganda department.


mofongo wrote

They're questioning if you only get your news freon the Chinese propaganda department.


Grace OP wrote

I get my news from leftist subreddits and I don't care for liberalism.