Submitted by EdgyIndividualistBuffoon in lobby

Step 1

You notice a community has gotten popular, so move in and spend all your time posting and building your cache so people respect you - but only talk about politics superficially - never reveal your actual political views - save that for later.

Step 2

Get voted in as a mod at the first opportunity. This will be easy since everyone has seen your username posting walls of text, and thinks you're dedicated as fuck to the community.

Step 3

Now become so unbelievably toxic as a mod that all the other mods leave and you can invite your friends to replace them.

Step 4

Get to work banning anime, cat ears, ponies, Rojava and the word "dumb" because it's evidence of brocialism. Start purging all the actual leftists with bans and thread deletions.

Once you've totally destroying the sub, you can start looking for the next interesting community to begin hijacking.



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DeathToAmerica wrote

r/latestagecapitalism banned me because some tanks were calling me a liberal for opposing statism, as well as capitalism.


J7383 wrote

Didn't you know opposing all forms of oppression is liberal as fuck, fam?


zombie_berkman wrote

i got banned for the exact same thing some ML was talking shit on syndicalism and i called him a state capitalist and got banned


BlackFlagged wrote

It's so ironic when state-capitalists call anarchists liberals.


Defasher wrote (edited )

Or 'anarkids', like we're too immature to understand how integral murderous dictatorships are to establishing communism.


vacuousaptitude wrote

I definitely got a 3 day ban in LSC for participating in a discussion about religion and pointing out the way that things like sexism and homophobia are perpetuated by many religions (focus on the Abrahamic set.)

For questioning the ban I was muted from messaging mods for 3 days and the ban was extended to 30 days.


happysmash27 wrote

Wait… bans aren't forever? I got banned from /r/communism and didn't see a time it would end…


vacuousaptitude wrote

They can be forever, there can be any length of bans really. Usually subs will ramp up 3-->30-->forever something like that but if they really dislike you instantpermabans aren't even rare.


__deleted_____ wrote (edited )

Step 5:

Pick up your FBI payoff. Good job!


Defasher wrote

I've seeded all kinds of chaos on left-reddit, just for shits and giggles. Where's my payoff?


AlexanderReidRoss wrote

You already get the big bucks from Soros, don't get greedy.


Defasher wrote

Soros has been a bit stingy lately. My mansion could use re-carpeting, but he won't pay up.


JoeMemo wrote

I've seeded all kinds of chaos

But why?


Defasher wrote

A healthy dislike of first world 'radicals'. Also, nihilism.


GrimWillow wrote

Not worth the time attacking in comparison to nazis IMO.


J7383 wrote

I got banned from r/socialism for saying 'banning anime fans is a bad idea'. I don't even watch anime ffs.


happysmash27 wrote

Wait, they ban anime fans?? Why would they do that?? It seems really weird…


zombie_berkman wrote

this is more or less what meta became


[deleted] wrote


theblackcat wrote (edited )

They got banned from reddit's anarchism subs for telling someone to kill themselves.


zombie_berkman wrote

long story but it was more or less just a bunch of alts now and then i broke all the rules because i was going to get banned anyway


AlexanderReidRoss wrote (edited )

I'm a mod there. None of the other mods wanted to ban you, but you let that sockpuppet bait you into breaking the rules, and then the r/leftwithoutoutedge brocialists used their sock army to vote you out, so we had no choice.


Defasher wrote (edited )

Let me guess, they were all from r/anarchismonline? Everyone on that sub is either a cop or a snitch. They make endless socks and use them to infiltrate other subs.


elyersio wrote (edited )

Mods of /f/meta:

  • Emma
  • ~~Ziq

So the people who created Raddle are toxic?

What do you mean by meta?


[deleted] wrote (edited )


elyersio wrote

I should've just asked, that post was a bit rude.


theblackcat wrote (edited )

I got banned from r/latestagecapitalism after the tankies took over, they didn't even give me a reason.


mofongo wrote

Me too, I was there since the sub was created. I didn't even realized I was banned until randomly checking my inbox and seeing the month old notification. Mods were not even sure why I was banned for, most likely it was someone that also mods /r/soc.


sudo wrote

It's a good thing the admins actually give a shit here, and won't turn a blind eye to mods abusing their power. I'm a communist, but the FC mod fiasco is just shameful.


Defasher wrote

I've never gone to that sub, what happened?


sudo wrote

Basically, the mods had a list of things they would instantly ban people for, most of which were fine. But eventually, the mods decided that anime was counterrevolutionary (which a lot of it is), and anyone who liked it would be banned. There was no nuance here; if you said you agreed that the majority of anime is garbage, but there are one or two shows that are okay, you would still be banned. It's fine to sarcastically say that all anime is terrible, but to non-sarcastically ban people over that is bad. Then, there was a user who said they enjoyed punk-rock, who was banned for that. There were a few other silly things that users were banned for. Eventually, one of the top moderators kicked off all the other mods abusing their power, and invited new ones. Things were okay for a while, until the new mods started banning religious people.

TL;DR: the mods abused their power, and got away with it because mods aren't elected or subject to recall on reddit.


Nakroma wrote

Why is anime counter-revolutionary? Serious question


sudo wrote

Most anime is very sexist, and sexism is counter-revolutionary.


[deleted] wrote


DKv54 wrote

So you are saying that despite an anime having those themes and watching them, they won't make you a fascist? Is it okay to enjoy anime that might have problematic elements like that?


GrimWillow wrote

Much of "western" media propogates bullshit too. Anime is like a medium for expression. It's not fair to blame "Anime" style for problematic messages just because problematic messages is what is distributed most.


ziq wrote

They said that all anime promotes pedophilia.


BlackFlagged wrote

If that wasn't enough to convince you that vanguard's don't work, idk what is.


sudo wrote

Because the mods weren't elected, and weren't subject to recall. We want to set up a system where government officials are elected, and are subject to recall at any time. The userbase was very clearly against the mods - if they had the option to recall them, this wouldn't have been much of a problem.


Defasher wrote (edited )

So a lot like the current system, then. Good luck trying to impeach Trump.


sudo wrote

Uh, no, not like the current system at all. The people don't have the option to recall Trump; only congress does. I mean the people themselves should be able to vote on it. You're effectively saying, "What system do you like?" "Communism." "OMG, they said capitalism!"


BlackFlagged wrote

Direct democracy is an anarchist principle, I don't really get why you're associating it with state communism, which never gives the people direct power.


sudo wrote

Pretty sure direct democracy goes back to ancient Greece, long before anarchist theory existed. Also, state communism is a contradiction - communism is only when the state has withered away. If you want to see what communists really want, read State and Revolution, chapters 1 and 5. What you think we want and what we really want are totally different.

I'm anticipating you're going to say something like, "Just look at the USSR." If you are going to say that, then I say, we don't want to do things exactly the same way they were done in the USSR. We want to do them the way Lenin describes in State and Revolution.


Defasher wrote (edited )

Weirdly, I've never been banned from any of the tankie subs, even though I'm as anti-tankie as it gets.

But I am banned from the 2 liberal shitlord ones - r/anarchismonline and r/leftwithoutedge. Not that I would ever go near those subs, they banned me just out of spite.


BlackFlagged wrote (edited )

Congrats. Getting banned from those 2 subs only means you're not a liberal. They banned me too.

As far as I can tell, they prowl reddit looking for anyone that's actually a radical leftist, and ban them.


tnstaec wrote

and the word "dumb" because it's evidence of brocialism

r/anarchism was like that about 4 years ago. The clique of mods running the place were ridic.


zer0crash wrote (edited )

Step 2.5

Use the term "Left Unity" as a dog whistle for "Embrace muh Authoritarianism". Accuse all anti-authoritarians of being "Divisive" and "Sectarian".