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josefStallman wrote

DAE (currentYear) linux desktop?

Seriously though, the Linux foundation only really cares about Linux for enterprise applications. That's where the money is. It doesn't economic make any sense to invest money into desktop Linux.

Now, when we establish worldwide communism, we can work on a proper Linux desktop, but until then, it's going to be largely up to the user base to make anything cool for non-business users.


jaidedctrl wrote

Seriously though, the Linux foundation only really cares about Linux for enterprise applications. That's where the money is. It doesn't economic make any sense to invest money into desktop Linux.

The Linux Foundation is just a trade organization-- furthuring the software that the member companies use is literally it's only purpose. It isn't really about LiGNUx advocacy or anything like that. It's a shame, really... they do have quite a bit of resources that could help the LiGNUx desktop a lot...


Defasher wrote

I guess they're not content with having M$ contribute the bulk of the code going forward, they want Apple too. It's like if raddle had Spez as the biggest contributor.


Garx wrote

That kind of reminds me when people use Linux on their MacBook and have a lot of other Apple things... because logic.


23i wrote

he could at least've used a hackintosh, ig, but noooo.


hentai wrote

I am sickened!