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happy wrote

If anyone reading this is using chome, Why? Google is learning everything you do online because of it. Firefox is a fantasic desktop browser. I didn't want to make the switch a year ago but when I did I loved it. If you're on a mobile device, Firefox, DuckDuckGo, and Kiwi are all great open source options.


celebratedrecluse wrote

I recommend Lightning Browser on mobile, available on Google Play, F-Droid, and other repos. Orfox has been replaced by Tor Browser Mobile on F-Droid's Guardian Project repo, check it out.

For desktop, always use Tor Browser to browse on raddle's hidden service. There's no reason not to! http://lfbg75wjgi4nzdio.onion


happy wrote

Ya, I'm not sure why I don't use Tor on desktop all the time.

I didn't know about Lightning browser. Thanks! The only thing keeping me from switching away from Kiwi browser is that Kiwi has a night mode that is really nice to use with my amoled screen.


kropotkin1842 wrote

I was using Chrome and other Google products intensively before switching to Firefox and other alternatives. Wish I didn't have to use Windows, but I like to play video games, and Linux has been ignored by game developers for a long time


mofongo OP wrote

That's what Proton is for, it's best if you have a relatively recent GPU though.


ratbum wrote

What a fucking shock.


another_i wrote

Does anyone know how this will impact Brave 's browser?

Did firefox rewrite their core or js renderer in Rust yet?


zzuum wrote

Google has, in the last five years, shifted in my mind from a cool company to a cancer


existential1 wrote

I'd argue they were always a cancer, but now they've metastized.


zzuum wrote

Agreed. The signs were always there I guess, destroying products that people liked, not listening to people, becoming a monopoly...


Majrelende wrote

For me, the extensive use of Google by schools is probably the creepiest part.