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rom_rio wrote

...whose end goal is still communism.

In any case, I think a more valid analogy would be this one: opensource is like right-winger libertarianism, while free-software is more like left-winger libertarianism.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

It's talking about (democratic) socialism not using force to implememt socialism which is true. They believe in voting to achieve socialism and change through democracy.

Vs. I guess ML 'communism' (socialism) which is a violent overthrow of the system.


cryptocommie wrote

Marxism is a violent overthrow of the system, communism is just the intended result. In fact, that violent overthrow is marxist socialism--dictatorship of the proletariat.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

Which is why I said ML (marxist leninist)...

The USSR is obv what they mean by 'communism'.