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zombie_berkman wrote

it really sucks that there isnt an alternative to steam. i still have it on my laptop because i need non free drivers for wifi. strangely i dont feel bad buying games even thos it isnt free software


Fossidarity wrote (edited )

For me it depends on the type of game if I feel bad about buying it or not.

I do feel bad about buying big title AAA games from companies who are known for being horrible to their employees but I--generally--don't feel bad about buying indie games; especially if they don't have a publisher.


happy wrote

It has been such a long time since I have gamed, but I would think that if you want to support independent studios they might have a way to sell the software to you without using steam as a middle man.


Fossidarity wrote

You are totally right, I should definitely look more into that.


gamebox3000 wrote at least let's creators set how much of thier sale goes to Better yet some devs will sell their game on their own website.


mofongo wrote

Some have the option to buy the game from their website.