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blubl00d wrote (edited )

Jitsi Meet currently has experimental E2E encryption. From what I understand, Tox is stable, it just hasn’t been audited yet. As far as Wire goes, I’m not sure which privacy and security issues you’re referring to. The only issue I’m aware of is that Wire stores your contacts in plaintext which isn’t ideal but shouldn’t be a dealbreaker. Correct me if I’m wrong but I do not believe there are any audited alternatives to Wire other than Signal maybe which is more for personal use. Everything else is experimental.


celebratedrecluse OP wrote

Wire has suspicious funders going back to its founding, and also had absolutely no protections for metadata, stored contacts in plaintext, and for a while did not even have E2E and made misleading advertisements on it.

Jitsi Meet is not E2E, it is simply encrypted from endpoint to server. Server is completely unencrypted by default.

Element is a great alternative to Wire.