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OdiousOutlaw wrote

"We should have a really small transitory state in order to ensure that it withers away."


Small transitory state: "I need more power and influence in order to secure our new Socialist economy."

"Fair enough, just don't have too much power, okay?"

Later again:

Medium transitory state: "Sorry, can't wither away, yet; gotta keep the Capitalist invaders from taking over."

"Shit, we're in danger? Here, have some more power and influence."

Later still:

Marxist state: "Wither away? Are you some sort of counter-revolutionary revisionist? Get back to your shift, we need to meet the production quota in order to show Liberal Capitalists just how much more efficient our economy is."

"Aw, fuck."


8__D wrote

This is definitely me when I wither away B)

-Stalin, the material conditions having gotten to the point where he simply must persecute homosexuals


kin wrote

I wonder how this kind of average reddit anarchist will react when confronted with left communism stuff where ML is just authoritarian bs and Lenin is treated like Stalin.. Fuck, I would ban anyone with Marxist apologia on sight, the place is unsalvageable


8__D wrote

ppl like this are self reporting. When they can't imagine themselves being able to meet their needs through their community (e.g. without wage slaves to serve them ubereats and fill their water towers), it shows that they've never had to have their needs met through their community in any way. And uhhhhh, hmmmmm I wonder what kind of material conditions that implies of the speaker... Like listen, the petty bourgeoisie is not the enemy but why they always gotta make the state their God?