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107a OP wrote

How long do I have to wait before I can stop pretending Apoism is amazing fantastic?


TheNerdyAnarchist wrote

I mean, I don't know what Apoism means. If I refuse to learn, does that mean I can avoid praising it altogether?


lettuceLeafer wrote

Like 3 months ago I commented that they were pathetic for spending their time doing propaganda for a government. Like 2 weeks ago they responded by going through my post history to try to make a super personal insult. Which I found incredibly hilarious that it bothered them that much.

People seem to be doing that Tankie thing where u have a unhealthy coping mechanism by worshiping a foreign government. A personal delusion to make the world feel less horrible. So people got to spend lots of time proving to themself that their dilutions are correct. Just like how the carnists will get defensive and make up bullshit to defend themself.


TheNerdyAnarchist wrote (edited )

Comment was removed for ableism, but here's a backup of the original's a screenshot of the final copy before it got removed.


RanDomino wrote

Not for long, if you get your wish of another invasion.


107a OP wrote

I don't support Turkey. How do you, as a leftist, reconcile Rojava's government being homophobic and transphobic? You never see Western transphobic leftists get accolades, but if they're brown TERFs we need to shut up and pay fealty? I don't get it.


RanDomino wrote

You do support Turkey's fascist government, as shown by your celebration of the rape-gangs that Turkey gives weapons to.
