Recent comments in /f/drugs

Pop wrote

Reply to by !deleted13063

Cool! It's also fun to masturbate with if you have a pussy. You can get your down-there stoned.


mylastbreAth OP wrote

honestly where do I get started?

thanks for being the tequilay wolfblood of this site. idk how people dont see how evil Reddit has become. not even with fasict stuff but the whole mentality of basically worshipping neoliberalism. like people are proud to completely throw their lives away. and not to a drug but to Netflix!?


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

Sounds like you've had a rough time. I hope you find the purpose you would like, and that you escape the isolation of this world.

I have found it in working together with people like me towards destroying that isolating and purposeless world for one that is mutually interdependent and fulfilling. It's working pretty well for me, so I'd recommend it.


happy wrote

Are you sure? That's the stance of a guy from the National Crime Agency. Of course he's going to think law enforcement is working and threatening and the folx selling on the dark web and criminals that doesn't have personal ethics or morals whatsoever.

Maybe dark web hosters realize fentanyl is a very dangerous drug and does much more harm than good.


asg101 wrote

It has only been a "failure" as far as stopping drug use and supply. It has been a huge success at increasing the powers of police states, incarcerating people of color, enriching private prison corporations, police and prison guard unions. So the drug war has benefited the plutocracy immensely, just as it was designed to do.


seitanicqueer98 wrote (edited )

i'm sorry this is two weeks late but i feel compelled to suggest that you should give it another go if you haven't already! my friend gave me too big a dose my first time too, and as relaxed as i was i could barely keep my eyes open while they were talking to me lmao, and i ended up puking multiple times. i'd recommend you try 1 gram. if you're sensitive to substances, you could go even lower (.5g) and wait 45 mins before redosing if you decide to. for reference, one unpacked teaspoon is about 2.5 grams.