Submitted by celebratedrecluse in drugs

So the drug economy has been disrupted by the virus shutdowns, it looks like it might be a good time to consider how to make medicine. Even before, it wasn't a good idea to trust a dealer, you want to test everything at a minimum and ideally make your own, just to know what's really in it.

From sassafrass bark, one can distill a small amount of oil, which therein contains safrole, the main precursor chemical. Which teks are legit? Who has any more direct knowledge with this particular synthesis? I see several on erowid, but are these any good? Are there others?



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celebratedrecluse OP wrote (edited )

here are the guides i know of.

no idea if they work. never done this one before. it appears MDMA is a relatively difficult synthesis. Our main object should be looking into which precursors are easily able to be procured, and which aren't. The synths are from the 90s and before, so this may rely on chemicals which have since been locked down.