Submitted by d4rk in d4rk

Rappler talks to a relationship counselor and psychologist about cheating, affairs, and the warning signs you can look out for.

Counterpoint: in Asian and specifically Indospheric societies we have the concept of harems where different partners perform different tasks you may have a queen or an actual spouse or consort but that doesn't restrict them to baby making machines, that's another woman's job. So the idea of "cheating" doesn't actually stem from or exist as a psychological or sexual malady rather it comes from a disturbing hybrid of contemporary women's liberation in indospheric societies and the role of men in indospheric societies.

One major effect of the harem system was that men may have wielded de jure power but women held de facto power, but now within the contemporary women's liberation movement both concepts merge to either a man or a woman leaving a vast majority (mostly men) emasculated. Another factor is the Spanish familial system where both the man and woman provide and care for the child there is no "women should stay in the kitchen and men should go to work" so when both kinds of power is centralized in the home to women who are most likely to be the breadwinners AND the householders it leaves the men.

This isn't an issue in the west when the power issue is clearly a discrimination between men and women wherein in eastern cultures men and women were treated equally granted different roles. Now that the roles have merged, the burden now rests on one person in the household leaving the other disenfranchised.

This leads to a rabbithole in the disenfranchised party to find relationships where they're the one in control. If cheating was just all about sex, there would be no divorces and separations. But the unfortunate truth is that our current society clearly has a discrimination between those who are not in control and those that are.



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moonlune wrote

Every sentence here is a shit take I don't even know where to start...


tuesday wrote

Another factor is the Spanish familial system where both the man and woman provide and care for the child there is no "women should stay in the kitchen and men should go to work"

Uh this is just ... not true. Like at all.