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ziq OP wrote

Reply to comment by earfuck70 in "Honk honk" by ziq

They kill people.


earfuck70 wrote (edited )

So kill them back. But don't take them seriously as they want to be taken.

They are a failed caricature that belong within the dregs of history, much like nazis themselves. Throw them away and treat them as they are; the reject pile who refuse to follow the winds of change respectfully or help shape some of those changes positively by doing the requisite inner work.


ziq OP wrote

How can you not take someone who just murdered 50 people seriously? They're very serious and ignoring them is how they grow.


shanc wrote

White supremacists burned down my squat. Thirty years earlier, on the same street, white supremacists burned down a tower block full of people. Is your advice really 'oh don't take them seriously lol'?


earfuck70 wrote

Well don't be scared of them at least. The issue is that the more energy you invest into something, the bigger it grows. Especially negative energy like fear, hate, anger, malice etc. This is what your enemy would want hence forth, in order to solve this issue; you have to treat this stuff without emotions because they will cloud your clear minded thought processes.

You have to see these issues as what they are in order to deal with them accordingly on a fundamental level. They are a bunch of goofy idiots attempting to dress like ghosts and clowns in order to redefine the world according to their inverted mentalities stemming from terrible genetics and childhoods.

It is doomed to fail, so all that needs to be done is to never give them any credence over their failed purpose, and get your logistics sorted out to squash this issue through clear minded thinking. Get it? "lol"?


shanc wrote

Don't be scared of someone who has killed people before and now is trying to kill you and your family? 'Just have positive energy lol'

Not sure this is the site for you tbh