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ziq wrote (edited )

This is the problem with people - they feel the need take a person, put them up on a pedestal and idolize and celebrate them.

All people are flawed; bourgie colonialists are rat bastards that murdered, raped, enslaved and pillaged. 'Founding fathers' are nothing but patriarchal slaveowning ethnic-cleansing millionaires. Moviestars are vapid narcissists. Religious icons are sexual deviants, racists and abusers. What does it take before people realize they need no rulers? No human is worthy of worship because the moment you elevate someone above others, you need to find excuses to apologize for their misdeeds, to justify the wrongs they wrought on the world so that you can throw parades and barbecues and christmas dinners on your extra special enlightened holy celebrity day.

Why do humans have the innate need to worship their fellow human? It's never led anywhere good.


An_Old_Big_Tree OP wrote

I dunno, I doubt there's a simple or singular reason. Maybe some of the time it just comes down to people being scared to make their own decisions.


Emeryael wrote

I say that Columbus Day should be renamed Indigenous Peoples' Day. Celebrate a group of people who have managed to hold on and keep fighting, despite repeated genocides and attempts to destroy their culture and beliefs.


AlexanderReidRoss wrote

How about we replace it with 'plant a tree day'. In fact, replace all holidays with plant a tree day and the world will have a shot at surviving mankind.


An_Old_Big_Tree OP wrote

Makes me wonder where I'd actually plant a tree around here where I live - especially a sapling large enough that people would assume it was supposed to be there and leave it alone. Living in a city there aren't many obvious places to plant trees. Though I'm probably not being very creative.

I've definitely always liked the idea of guerilla planting things, though.


AlexanderReidRoss wrote (edited )

In dense cities you'd need to get together with some comrades and jackhammer your way through the pavement to plant a garden. Also, rooftop gardens and vertical gardens that crawl up buildings (passion fruits thrive like this).