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PyotrKropotkin wrote

I don't blame the senile boomers falling for this kind of stuff. I blame the nefarious people pushing stupid conspiracy theories to distract from the real problems, like using covid emergency funds to line their own pockets. This reminds me of the "great recession" when people were thrown in the street while the billionaire bankers got bailed out. Boomers fell for the tea party and conspiracies about Obama's birth place.


MissPiggyOnRollerSkates OP wrote

That's a good point. I think some people are in it just for personal grifting, but I do think there's good reason to believe that conspiracy theories are manufactured, or at least encouraged, by the powers that be to distract from the the fact that the system is just a cash grab.

Like I said elsewhere, I think the expression "antisemitism is the socialism of fools" is a good explanation for most conspiracy theories as well. (And anyway, a lot of conspiracy theories circle back to antisemitism once you dig deep enough.) People see their material conditions, they see what the problems are, but they draw batshit conclusions instead of just following the money back to captialism.