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Heywood_Floyd wrote

"Can't say that I agree with their take on the sub...."

The deal is, unlike their Twitter accounts or the book or the podcast itself, they can't control what is written about them in a forum with their name. Fandom is a funny thing, and I think they are scared of mass fame. The other thing was (according to YouTuber Vaush, who was not a fan of r/chapotraphouse), was that r/cumtown was shot through with Nazis because they loved the edgy jokes but they didn't get why they were being made. (Vaush's comments here: )


altacus OP wrote

Yeah r/cumtown actually sucked,
and r/cth was sometimes overly critical of the podcast, but mostly it was pretty reasonable

I don't think this place will like vaush probably


TTemp wrote

Fuck vaush, all my homies hate vaush


Heywood_Floyd wrote

I watch some of what he does and it takes a lot of patience to listen to him argue with Destiny or TERF randos or whatever because I know he's definitely not going to get his debating partners to change their ideas overnight (and some of these people are two inches from becoming Klansmen). I prefer his shorter commentary videos; most of them are about extremely online stuff and he seems to dig deeper due to background knowledge.


hogposting wrote

he's definitely not going to get his debating partners to change their ideas overnight

If you're debating someone on a public forum you aren't necessarily trying to change their mind. Often you're trying to change the minds of people watching or reading along but not participating.

Something like 90% of social media users don't actually post or comment; they just read. If you're in a space with decent visibility you want to put out a good take for them, even if the chud you're arguing with is a lost cause.