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fuckinlibs wrote

Reply to comment by celebratedrecluse in so are we doing this by heqt1c

I am definitely here due to chaos. Ya don’t check reddit for 12 hours and your fave sub is banned. Wild shit man- gotta find some kind of alternative! I literally found this from r/chapotraphome lmao.

I hope we can come up with some kind of alternative congregating space for leftists again. Chapo was such a welcoming sub and I’m gonna miss it a lot. Fuckin capitalists, man. Fuckin libs.


Mardoniush wrote (edited )

It's a shit time to be sure. Aside from occasional hilarious Trot bashing (often by people who were Trots themselves.) it was a proper place of left unity where we could actually argue as comrades with nuance and support each other. It made people happy and engaged and was a lot more useful than the standard "extremely online" take gave it credit.

I hope Raddle takes off because despite being ML-adjacent I can't stand the recent MTC struggle sessions and lemmy looks like it might be the same.


fuckinlibs wrote

I absolutely agree with you. I need more leftist spaces! Chapo was my main spot, which was probably lazy of me but I figured we came together and stopped (mostly) breaking the rules that we were in trouble for.

It’s also so telling of the state of America that chapo was put in the same sentence as the orange idiot sub. How dare we want fair wages, good working conditions, people not to be murdered by police due to skin colour, gender identity, or sexual preference, and then also just basic human necessities. Of course advertisers are pushing against that. They probably just banned the previously mentioned sub because they couldn’t just ban ours without bad publicity.

I could also be totally talking out my ass, but I have little faith. Thank fuck gender critical is gone too though, what a disgusting place.


heqt1c OP wrote

The fact that our sub was banned and not ProtectAndServe tells me everything I need to know about how fucked Reddit is.


ziq wrote

Yeah everyone on raddle has already been banned from lemmy for going against the official CCP line.


sysgen wrote

Lemmy has the major advantage of being federated though. Tho tbh rn raddle works a lot better.


ziq wrote

Raddle has as much potential to be federated as lemmy, it just needs volunteers to code it in.


sysgen wrote (edited )

Of course. ActivityPub in theory should even make lemmy instance able to federate with postmill instances. But Lemmy's federation is almost done, so it makes more sense to use that.

Putting federation up can take quite some time.