Submitted by asder in boomers

new feel like a boomer thought it made enough sense to post here. i have no clue what im doing and just shitposting in my basement until i just eat my fingers off



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Fool wrote

You said this is a shit post, so I doubt you really care, but if you're actually interested in learning about anarchism, let us know.

Also let us know if you want recipes for your fingers, they'll go down a lot nicer cooked up with a good marinade, or maybe a vegan alternative to human flesh... you are human right? Right?


asder OP wrote



Fool wrote

Was that an ok to anarchism or recipes? I was just shit talking but let's go with this.

For anarchism learning it would depend on the starting point, which of these would closest represent you; conservative, liberal, Marxist, communist, labour unionist or right libertarian?

For recipes where do you want to start, weight loss, food intolerance, or vegan?