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bavkaha wrote (edited )

according to people on this forum, some companies will charge you up to 8 or 9 months later. i don't think there will be clear statistics on this available outside loss prevention training. there is probably no safe time period other than your local statute of limitations. treat it as you would any other crime.


Marconila wrote

Then how do these kleptomaniacs and shoplifters get away with huge hauls for so many years?


j0hn_d0e wrote

You'll only get caught months after if you left identifying information such as your license plate (visible on store cameras), credit card (swiped during a transaction), or drivers license (shown for a non-receipt return).


Marconila wrote

Ya did park close to the store and used credit card....never did a return so no drivers license ...


FU_trump_israel wrote

If you lifted at Target, they could be building a case on you. Be very careful. If you dont plan to step into the store again your perfectly safe.