Submitted by DummyThicc in axolotl

First time poster here. I've seen a fair bit of posts with pretty obtuse plans for shoplifting, but honestly there's only a couple things you really need to do: be quick, don't draw attention, and don't act apprehensive toward employees. If you do see employees act cautious of you, just book it. Getting noticed is better than getting fined. Also, from my experience you can be as obvious as you want as long as you're really fast. I have walked out with 12 blu rays in hand on a couple occasions, and at stores like walmart, the greeters/average employees can't stop you. Just be sure to mix up the stores that you go to.



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Optimuskrym wrote

For sooth. Verily, he has the right of it. Rule numbers 1,2 and 3. Be fast, fast, fast.