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magpie_0 wrote (edited )

I personally love malls, I milked one mall for over a year making many thousands in profits, this was of course at a young age before I had a vehicle. You should remember a few things though. I've since moved on to better things & find the profit to be made in malls, while still substantial, is less than I would like.

Here are a few tips:

  • Dress slightly above average so that you blend in while also allowing for others to grab Lp's attention.
  • Never wear a backpack, use a shopping bag & behind the shopping bag have a cloth reusable bag, cloth because it's quite when you drop items into it.
  • Don't overstay your welcome, malls are often filled with small stores & they will remember you if you're fishy.

These are the tools I like to bring; a small knife, golf detacher, alpha s3 key, & pepper spray. Pepper spray is controversial, though I'm an adept climber & runner, I also am anonymous in the towns/cities I visit so they would never get my identity. For a long lad or casual shoplifter, I would advise against it & instead simply run if anything were to happen.

In regards to your questions.

  1. If you have been caught & escaped do not go back to that mall for 1-year minimum, I like to take precautions. It's unlikely you'll be caught if you go sooner, though you never want to risk your freedom over cheap items. If you simply do not go back then congratulations, you will not be caught there.

  2. Yes, it's ok to go as a couple, I've had a partner with me quite a bit while shoplifting, though when making money I prefer to go alone. (so I don't have to split it)

  3. Everyone likes Apple Airpods because we live in a consumeristic society so focused on the approval of our pears that we brainwash ourselves into thinking certain names & logos are associated with luxury & not the quality of the items. Those among us promote such self-destroying behaviours that we become normalized to this radical way of thinking, even when presented with better products or services some of us are so far gone that we actually defend our mental captiors & activly fight aginst those who promote alternative products of equal of better quality.

  4. LP (Loss-Prevention) are not necessarily mean, however, their is always the possibility that some actually are, they are people doing their job. However, it is effective for them to present themselves as mean & scary since they often deal with people inexperienced with altercations with symbols of authority & interrogation. They actively use this to their advantage to help prevent people like us from "liberating" their store's inventory.

  5. Wally World still does have good LP in general, though they do not monitor their stores equally. Depending on where you are, some stores might be in high-theft & low-income areas where LP is super prevalent, while other locations might be in wealthy areas (these often have the best loot) where theft & crime is not as common & these stores will have less loss prevention enforcement. Walmart has the resources to turn any store into Fort Knox for people like us, though they understand that the principle of diminishing returns. Putting $50,000 into loss prevention might reduce shoplifting by 50% but putting $100,000 into loss prevention might only reduce it by 65% Walmart only puts in what necessary to get the best bang for its buck. This is why stores are not equally enforced, & they may often appear as easy.