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Tecate_Coyote wrote

My old retail job started teaching employees to be on alert for people with masks as possible shoplifters.


[deleted] wrote


Tecate_Coyote wrote

Yes, make broad sweeping judgements about retail in general when I am speaking of my direct experience on the other side of the desk.


[deleted] wrote


Tecate_Coyote wrote

You are going completely off on a tangent. Literally wtf are you on about. I was providing information that my specific job said to be aware of people that wear masks. Do with info as you will. It's just keeping aware of the culture of the store and how to blend in. Similar to wearing nice clothes and behaving as a shopper does. If 99% of the people in the store don't have masks, it is worth to be aware that you might be tailed specifically because you're wearing one.

Go play with your strawmen elsewhere.