Submitted by [deleted] in axolotl (edited )



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Mickeymouse wrote

Thank you. Exactly the type of useful information I come here for.


NNout5589 wrote

Yeah. I have read quite a bit in regards to their use of facial recognition technology. I know that they actually had a lawsuit filed against them in one state.


hungryaf wrote

This is the T. I have a friend that works at an HD on the border of an affluent area. It’s close enough to the border that they had tons of issues with people stealing to support drug habits as well as people running out the pro shop and garden center loaded up with tools. This store implemented all 6 of the tactics listed above. I checked it out for myself and can confirm. The not being able to walk out any automatic door except those with checkout is mildly infuriating. And the cams at the doors are on the wall at face height. I presume this is for gathering facial recognition data. HD has a frightening amount of personal customer data compared to most retailers, so facial recognition is concerning since obtaining matches wouldn’t be hard for them.