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ziq wrote

I can't wait to kill you for trying :)))))


[deleted] wrote (edited )


ziq wrote

personal property isn't private property. try to take someone's home / survival from them and they have every right to kill you for it.

we live in a world where civilization has destroyed the wilds. you either adopt some agriculture or you starve.

don't be an elitist all your life and you might accomplish something.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


ziq wrote

my 1 acre is barely enough to feed me, personal property is the land you directly use with your own labor without exploiting anyone else

fucking yuppie


[deleted] wrote (edited )


ziq wrote (edited )

I'm indigenous.

you come to my land and try to take food from my mouth by force, you die.

I don't give a shit about your romantic notions of the earth being your body and everything being yours for the taking. (talking of fucking white settlers...)

and rights are for cowards who hide behind the state


[deleted] wrote


ziq wrote

What claim? By killing you for coming to my country to 'ruin' the forest that sustains me I'm defending the wilderness from you. How fucking clueless are you to accuse me of acting like a settler for warning your yuppy ass to not invade and pillage my land or I'll defend it? Who is the settler in this scenario? Hint: it's you, fool.


[deleted] wrote


ziq wrote

Anyone who has seen my youtube channel can tell you to shut your smug elitist mouth.

Watching trees grow doesn't take much effort. I can post while they grow.