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metocin wrote

There will never be a revolution, fuck off with the entryism


Ishkah OP wrote

Just as if anarchists haven't called for revolution throughout history.


ziq wrote (edited )

Anticivs / green anarchists don't believe in revolution. Revolution is a constant aspect of civilization and each revolution leads to more centralized power and thus the widening of civilization's reach.


Ishkah OP wrote

I only ever identified as an anarchist, so I thought metocin thought most anarchists don't call for a revolution and that I was trying to pass off LibSoc ideas for anarchist ideas, which isn't true.

But yeah that's likely true of most anticivs and green anarchists, but again I never claimed I was a green anarchist or an anticiv, or that the ideas I presented were that. I just gave some advice from an anarchist about slippery slope purism, not trying to change the ideology to mean something different.
