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celebratedrecluse wrote

no it doesn't, nothing is going to be averted, that's not how these crises work.

The shit has been accumulating over 200 years. thinking that there is some "escape tunnel" we can burrow into is just sticking your head in the sand.


a_perfect_map wrote

Totally agree. They've had their summits, accords, green new deals, global emissions just rise and rise, nah we're done. The remaining question is how bad will it be: straight up surface of venus or just mad max?


NeoliberalismKills wrote

My understanding is we don't actually have enough greenhouse gases for Venus but we are definitely going to end up with very few humans left.


a_perfect_map wrote

Including methane though? The permafrost is releasing it, the ocean is (RIP in peace ocean), and so are open oil wells and stuff. Yeah it is the extreme but there are some scenarios where shit gets non-linear, nature is like that.