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ziq wrote

you really can't be anticiv without being called an ableist on a regular basis

I just tell them they're the real ableists for irritating my asthma with their industrial fumes


subrosa wrote

The destination of the runaway train is transhumanism. Eventually to be embodied, to be corporeal, and to be mortal will be viewed as disability. Ultimately, it may be argued that escaping our bodies altogether is necessary to overcome ableism. The only truly able­-bodied will paradoxically be those who have escaped their bodies. To be an animal is to be disabled.

Thanks for the read :)


CoryImmediatism OP wrote

What I like about Raddle vs. Reddit is that the comments are so supportive.


ziq wrote (edited )

anarchists are vastly outnumbered on the reddit sub by 'libertarian socialists' (typically entryist marxists, bookchinites, chomskyists and confused social democrats) who work hard to stand in the way of anarchy

anything people post that's not workerist / socialism-based gets attacked and belittled

there's even a new contingent of unironic 'anarcho-bidenists' spreading on reddit out of the vaush sub and attacking any anarchist who isn't a neoliberal

i can't even go on there any more without getting mass downvoted for breaking the anarcho-democrat circlejerk


CoryImmediatism OP wrote

Thanks for this analysis. Maybe I'll wait to try slowly working my way into Reddit in a couple of years or when/if it becomes more important to me.


cdubose wrote

I am on reddit in the same way a cop-hater listens to a police scanner.


ziq wrote

I like when you discuss the topic a bit before you read the piece. I'd like to see more of that, or even readings of interesting responses by others (even if they're just forum comments) after you read the piece.


CoryImmediatism OP wrote (edited )

Awww, thank you, Ziq! I hardly get any comments except brief thanks. It is extremely rare for me to hear from a reader how they feel about the content. But I will keep it in mind definitely and, as the podcast listenership develops, maybe we'll get more input of that type. I've been mentioning periodically that people should use the comment box on each episode. :) Pretty sure this is quite literally the longest comment thread I've ever had in 350 episodes over 20 months!


CoryImmediatism OP wrote (edited )

Okay @Ziq, I started your idea with episode 361 :)


ziq wrote


I think people would engage more with the podcasts if the podcasts were more engaging. Moving beyond a straight reading of a text, you could use the readings to pose questions to the listeners about the topic, and even do separate episodes where you don't do readings, but instead read out some of the reader's answers to those questions and engage with everyone's ideas further. Or you could explore a general topic while reading short quotes from various texts related to that topic instead of one full text, so it's easier to engage with. You could even read forum comments like this one and use them as springboards for further conversation and engagement.

It was very cool how you mentioned how my essay relates to episode 360 - discussing how contemporary texts relate to the classics. I know I'm biased since it's my essay you mentioned, but it was very engaging when I was listening to it on my commute, and in general your intros to the episodes tend to hold my attention more than the readings themselves. I like to hear what you have to say and how the text relates to life and anarchy today.

You could also interview people involved with the anarchist lit scene, like the editors over at LBC, or the warzone distro people, and explore the process of getting the books and zines out.

The more original content and conversation starters you include in the podcasts, the more engaging I think it will be to your audience. The tricky part is perfecting the format. Do you include all the commentary at the start of the episode? If it's at the end, people might have burned out or even tuned out before they get to it, but there's only so much commentary you can provide before the reading without spoiling it. So do you do self-contained commentary episodes between reading episodes? Do you break up the reading with commentary between chapters? Idk.


CoryImmediatism OP wrote (edited )

We had 12,000 listens this week alone, so I'm sticking with the format for now but adding listener comments to the intros. These are all great suggestions but if I implement more of them right now, it will slow down the volume I can get out and people count on listening nearly daily. I'll keep most of these suggestions to try gradually perhaps later on. My intention with this podcast was never to engage; it was to fill a gap I perceived in's audiobook selection.

Thank you, Ziq, for having taken time to give me these suggestions. I'm laughing because I don't think you realize how new to anarchism I am or how much an introvert. The idea of interviewing anyone about anything seems way outside my reach, at least for a while longer. :)


ziq wrote

sounds good, it's very impressive how fast you've been releasing them