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celebratedrecluse OP wrote

I agree, it is hard to pin down. I feel individualist anarchism is simply the nihilistic form of ancap ideology. Whereas anarcho capitalists usually have money (or expect to), the individualists are broke and skeptical of anything working out, whether it's some "community" thing or some "market" thing, so they just want to do their own thing.

Ancoms like me are delusionally committed to the ability of groups to solve these problems of our existence, and I am aware of the problems of this after talking to so many on this website, although I think I am coming at the fundamental questions still quite different than many individualist. this, i think, is mostly due to my firmly social materialist analysis, which came from years of debating/attempting to understanding MLs and liberals from an ancom perspective.


OdiousOutlaw wrote

I feel individualist anarchism is simply the nihilistic form of ancap ideology.

Have you ever heard of Lysander Spooner? He was a natural rights-type of individualist anarchist; also an abolitionist and socialist. His writing might be of some interest to you if you want to see a perspective on individualism that isn't nihilistic and more compatible with your worldview.

Ancoms like me are delusionally committed to the ability of groups to solve these problems of our existence, and I am aware of the problems of this after talking to so many on this website, although I think I am coming at the fundamental questions still quite different than many individualist. this, i think, is mostly due to my firmly social materialist analysis, which came from years of debating/attempting to understanding MLs and liberals from an ancom perspective.

Your perspective is valid and valued.


celebratedrecluse OP wrote

Likewise. Love you.

Will look into this Lysander Spooner, I have heard the name but never read what they written