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metocin wrote

Running is a good option and moving is too but considering the OP didn't mention that in their post, those are probably not viable options. Moving isn't easy or possible for many folks, and in many living situations you probably don't have the ability to run away from someone already in your home, and probably don't have alternate exits.

Suggesting getting a dog to someone who is apparently in a dangerous situation is gross. You're telling someone to put another innocent life in danger.

Obviously nobody wants to fight. Nobody wants their lives in danger. I can assure you almost anybody in a dangerous situation thinks of every other alternative than having to defend themselves. There's no need to explain why fighting is bad.

Could u live with yourself if u killed like a mom trying to feed their kids bc you thought they were a risk when they weren't

This hypothetical is a bit ridiculous given the situation OP described where they don't have access to firearms. You don't just "accidentally" kill an unarmed person who is threatening you when there are no guns involved. I don't think this is a helpful way to help OP think about the consequences of self defense.

If you have practical advice to give then do so but there's no need to patronize OP and make them feel as if their need for self defense isn't justified.


lettuceLeafer wrote

I think u brought up ideas with good intentions. I disagree with basically everything tho. But I said my peace in Thai issue so I'll leave OP alone.