Submitted by soy in Worker

Liberal commentary would have us believe that teacher's unions are some big powerful bully. In reality, teaching is known to be an underpaid, and overworked career. What causes this disconnect?



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lettuceLeafer wrote (edited )

Maybe something to do with the negative fallout of teacher strikes. Like causing schools to shut down and students unable to get free lunches when food isn't super available at home, not having a the safe place of school to rely on in cases of abusive homes ect.

Teacher strikes seem to pull support away from the most disadvantages students who need it.

Not saying I blame the striking teacher. Yet there is the association.

Also teachers unions like almost all unions inevitably protect abusers. Teachers unions do politically lobbying if I'm not mistaken. Rn I'm pretty sure some teachers unions are fighting having to teach critical race theory.


rot wrote

I know some teachers. the unions are more or less corporate and most teachers don't have time or dont want to sit through another long meeting. And that's if they have a union