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fortmis wrote

I truly don't understand why people are so obsessed with other people's (non)vegan status. we have OTHER FISH TO FRY my friends. pun INTENDED.


zoom_zip OP wrote

some people like to speak up on behalf of billions of oppressed creatures who are unnecessarily slaughtered every year in a cycle of endless exploitation that is one of the fundamental wheels of civilisation driving us towards extinction

others like to cry because a vegan was mean to them on the internet

who’s to say which side is right


fortmis wrote

Wouldn't it be more effective to work towards shutting down shitty food chains that drive the meat industry, instead of trying to convince individual people to go vegan? People will eat what tastes good and is cheap. Almost everywhere I've been, there is barely any yummy vegan/vegetarian food that doesn't cost a bajillion dollars. The cheapest most accessible food is fast food burgers.


zoom_zip OP wrote

i don’t really feel like it’s my responsibility to convert individuals to veganism and i don’t really care if people do or don’t. i just treat them with the hostility that i feel their actions deserve.

Almost everywhere I've been, there is barely any yummy vegan/vegetarian food that doesn't cost a bajillion dollars.

beans and rice? lentils? potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes? pasta?


fortmis wrote

ya if i'm cooking at home lol you don't need to list vegan food to me. Besides, I think most people cooking at home are probably more likely to try non-meat dishes. I figure the issue is with people buying meat as restaurant/take out food. Especially when it's the cheapest option.


[deleted] wrote


fortmis wrote

i don't disagree, I'm just arguing for a diversification in approaches to dismantling the meat industry beep boop


[deleted] wrote


fortmis wrote

oh ya for sure, definitely fuck that. Which I'm sure often falls under this umbrella of discussing what people's personal dietary choices are. I mean don't get me wrong, I think being vegan is a great thing for someone to do. And a lot of cultures come by it pretty easily. My fam is middle eastern and a lot of dishes are easily made veg or vegan and still tasting amazing.

I just wish there was more focus on bringing down corporate manifestations of animal exploitation and less focus on the individual's dietary choices. People often act on convenience and as long as there's cheap meat available people will buy it. It's a sad thing; fresh, organic produce is hard to come by and expensive. A junior mcchicken is in your hand in 5 mins.


[deleted] wrote


fortmis wrote (edited )

Number 1 I can get behind no problem. I love to hear it.

Your number 2 leads me to believe I may have just not expressed myself clearly (which is fine lol). I am not condemning the practice or need of convenience (although in many areas of life I wish people, myself included, were not so easily drawn to the allure of convenience, thus missing out on the fruits of a little labour). What I am trying to say is that I think we should work to make good, organic, vegan food more convenient.

For me this battle involves doing anything we can to refuse fast food chains opening in our neighbourhoods, protecting local food suppliers and farmers, collaborating with people in order to buy food in bulk directly from wholesalers so that it's cheaper... etc you get the gist.

"Pre-McDonald's purity" is maybe a bit dramatic, but I do believe that most people have lost their connection to food and are stuck in a loop detachment, hunger, and convenience, and it results in a total loss of agency over what we can eat. Ok I guess "total loss" is exactly what we're discussing here because you're advocating for individual decisions to consume suffer-less food. Which I'm down for. My qualm is energy is finite and I wish there was more energy spent on making quality organic/vegan/vegetarian food convenient.

I also do very much wish that more people had the time and energy to cook food at home, with their friends, family, neighbours. But that's a whole other can of worms (VEGAN GUMMY WORMS THAT IS).