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celebratedrecluse OP wrote

I feel you really didn't read my post


catachresis wrote

I did read your post. What made you think I didn’t? I largely agree with your perspective. I was just adding my own perspective on the topic.


celebratedrecluse OP wrote

"Total cattle emissions"

I didn't say that, I clearly wrote bovine methane emissions, which is a great deal more specific. English is not my first language, so I try to be careful with how I write things, and it can be momentarily frustrating when someone misquotes me after I've already tried to be precise enough to avoid a "well actually" type comment. It's not a big deal though, I got over it


nulloperation wrote

Your perspective is more relevant than the article.

Dr Battaglia said a happy by-product of producing less methane was that the energy then stayed in the animal.

"Instead of going into producing methane, other microbes come along and then produce the good things, the fatty acids and things, that the animal goes on to produce milk or meat with," he said.

I wonder why this isn't also considered as a human nutritional supplement also? Less farting, more ... meat? Like, useful for people who want to bulk up, perhaps?


celebratedrecluse OP wrote

Perhaps, although what appears to be happening is that the gut microbiota are decimated, leading to less methane production and more anabolic processes. The excess calorie's worth of growth is allocated disproportionately to lipid storage, plus there is the languishing of the animals in constricted spaces with no chance for exercise, so there are health consequences for that. I imagine psychologically it is probably not pleasant for the animals either?


nulloperation wrote

plus there is the languishing of the animals in constricted spaces with no chance for exercise, so there are health consequences for that.

Oh yes. I only meant the seaweed eating. Not saying it's be okay to enclose anyone in small spaces, human or not.

although what appears to be happening is that the gut microbiota are decimated

That doesn't sound too healthy, no. I hope this food supplement won't hurt the cows.


celebratedrecluse OP wrote

Indeed, it would be interesting to learn more how it works. Perhaps I am wrong, and it is not unhealthy for the patients.