Submitted by JayGrym in USA

I was wondering if there was a forum on here for discussing the overthrow of the governing system in place. Also, is there any interest in it? In my mind, this would be a spot to pull our numbers together in preparation for such an event and discuss tactics for spreading the message and the avenues possible.



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fuckworldtrade wrote

This isnt the place to discuss such things. for one, this site is not hidden so whatever you post here will always be public. you should be only talk about your insurrectionary activities over encrypted channels


JayGrym OP wrote

Yeah, I get that. I'm looking for a spot such things can be discussed with access to all regions and interested parties. I just don't know where to start. It doesn't have to begin with violence or anything like that. Obviously those in power will never freely relinquish their power and force will become necessary but I'm looking for a place to organize. Thanks for your feedback.