Recent comments in /f/Television

grub wrote

it's super interesting to see all the different species &cultures interact (as each can have fairly stern values/beliefs they adhere to, tho there are many cool contradictory character arcs/actions) i esp enjoy the klingons(their ideas of honor, not tho warrior caste tho), ferengi(specifically quark n his fam, rom, nog) bajorans (the geology of their planet more so than the evangelical-like religion, tho it's interesting to see their prophets depicted as real entities that characters engage w, and watch as maim characters become unwillingly vital to prophecies) it's also interesting to get to know the changelings more (as physical "gods" to two species they have adapted to be their enslaved servants) and specifically odo bc he was (as far as he knew) alone in the universe before contact thru the wormhole (connecting alpha quadrant) into the gamma quadrant (where the changelings, vorta, and jem'hadar are) idk the politics are cool, scifi is great at making metaphor of history and modern day reality

it's kinda slow sometimes, i wish it were more gay (tho i guess some people suspect stuff ab garek, tho idk not much evidence) but overall fun


Lettuce OP wrote (edited )

Benjamin sisko is a very accurate portrayal of the kinda and just authoritarian. Using incarcerating a child as leverage, tolerating and protection a capitalist who had kids die for profit because the politicians like him.

Much more tolerable than the Star Trek curclejerk of how luxury space communists are basically saints who save the world.


idioomsus wrote

It was a pretty brutal breakdown. Seinfeld and Friends both missed me, I guess there were reasons why. I'll let it stay "that show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia were referencing in that one flashback".


kin OP wrote

I heard something like this, mostly that he was just trying to keep the show faithful to the books and bc he is really a witchers fan he would bother producers and writers to cut the crap while doing the show..

It's like we are reliving the 60s and Chinese cultural revolution again but with modern themes.. And other thing is that this whole entertainment industry is toxic as a whole (videogames, cinema, tv, internet, social media,etc)


InfAmy wrote

Having seen the statements made previously, I can see many things which line up as the writer of that accusation intentionally misinterpretting something to put their own spin on it and denigrate those who disagree with them (fans of the games and book series).

The icing on the cake is the claim that he was toxic because he wasn't comfortable doing nudity or sex scenes that weren't in service to the plot. Can you imagine what would happen if a woman said the same things, and then the producers of the show tried to pressure them into it? I can certainly see toxicity in that interaction, but it's not from the person setting boundaries.

The accusation claims to be from a staff member, but is anonymous, so that remains just a claim, and seems just to take already public nuggets of information (such as the above) and recast them in a new light. I do not see anything in there that would have been new information that has been substantiated after it was written, which leaves me in doubt as to the veracity of the claims regarding the accusers position.


rockshow4070 wrote

One Piece is cool. I don’t know exactly what my next “arc” is, but I’m through about the first 100 chapters of the manga and they’re about to enter the grand line, or at least reverse mountain. I’m sure some shenanigans will keep them on the mountain for a bit.

The new series does look cool enough. It might just make me want to watch one pace though.