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NEOalquimista wrote (edited )

Sad, but true. Google is absolutely everywhere. If you really mean it, you can avoid it. It will take away convenience, but to a very few of us this won't be a problem. The issue here is too serious to be taken lightly.

Start by using

Think again.


boringskip wrote

are you an OSM contribute?


NEOalquimista wrote

No, actually I was just thinking about a replacement for Google Maps and that came, so I recommended it. I think I made it sound like I'm talking about my project :D


boringskip wrote

I'd suggest using StreetComplete on your phone, it'll show you small edits needed around you, and makes them easy.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


NEOalquimista wrote (edited )

I'm almost there myself. DuckDuckGo, ProtonMail, LineageOS... It's all doable. As I said somewhere else:

In this dystopia we're living, convenience goes down as privacy goes up. If it stops being like this, it means we have actually changed the world to something better.

We need to support all community projects. Feed the small ones. Leave us choice. Don't give the big businesses our freedom on a golden plate.