Submitted by noble_pleb in Tech

The paradox of information age is that too much information has caused us analysis paralysis. Just as too much intake of food can cause indigestion, listening to and reading about an infinite number of news, views, facts and opinion mongering can cause you to lose track of yourself and things like cognitive dissonance take place. I've decided to quit Twitter for a while and study the basics, just like we used to do when in school. Getting the basics right will help you to both know about events better and also debate better which is a very wholesome activity, especially if more and more people do it. Imagine how many digital turf wars and conflicts do we indulge in daily just because there were some basics we didn't get right!

So, I'm going to study some topics from today until the next Sunday (24th) with time slots dedicated to each topic (just like there are periods assigned to english, maths, science, etc. in school!) Who else is going to do that with me? Let me know in this thread or tweet with hashtag #BackToSchool.



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southerntofu wrote

hello i'm not on twitter but i'm constantly learning new things about selfhosting, programming, and many other topics

i'm happy to read and share on this forum whatever i/you learn :)