Submitted by BishamonSr in Space

In 1927, George Lemaitre suggested that our expanding universe originated from a single point. But it wasn’t until 1929 that the Belgian astronomer and mathematician would get recognition for his theory. Physicist Howard P. Robertson researched the theory after reading about it in a published paper: “A Homogeneous Universe of Constant Mass and Growing Radius, Accounting for the Radial Velocity of the Extragalactic Nebulae”. The basis of how the Universe is constructed in the 20th century essentially stems from Lemaitre’s theory. However, there is a huge concern for scientists that they fail to determine: how dark energy is expanding our universe so rapidly.



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celebratedrecluse wrote

numerous factual inaccuracies, and no clear reasoning for why astronomy's "dark energy" would be synonymous with social strife or human emotions.


BishamonSr OP wrote

Explain yourself.


celebratedrecluse wrote

Unless I am missing something, there are less than 10 billion people on earth, the usually cited number is around 7.9 billion. there is no acknowledgement of this consensus reality in the article, which makes it read ambiguously as personal essay combined with some real history at the beginning and wrong statistics in the middle.

It uses the Ancient Aliens approach. Giant unsupported what-if statements, corollary unsupported assertions, keep moving between them and restating them so you don't have to address the underlying premise.

This increase by nine billion packs a way bigger punch of energy throughout Earth stemming from humans, especially by way of our emotional drive.

Totally something I would see on youtube, on Ancient Aliens channel


celebratedrecluse wrote (edited )

Most distressingly, is the following claim:

The world is a dangerous place to have to survive in, especially in 2020. And with the coronavirus pandemic; unemployment through the roof, as well as the crime rate up 20% in the U.S first result on g 0 0 g L3

so this is propaganda for the state, too. Even if you want to dispute this by saying "it's almost august", the data can't be compiled meaningfully within a single year due to the time and logistics it takes to process all the thousands of sources of data. You have to wait between years to get a good picture of what is going on, and for decades USA crime rate has gone down, not up like their conservatives say.


BishamonSr OP wrote

Unsupported assertions? Dark mass speeds up as the population increases on earth. I'm the only one that has studied this topic that black energy is related to the negative energy that we put out into earth. You won't find any research out there on the internet about it. I'm the first to explain the reason for dark energy and as long as we have racism, wars, discrimination, etc. it will stand as a possible truth. You keep trying to figure out dark energy with your formulas, I hope it serves you well.


celebratedrecluse wrote

correlation is not causation...


celebratedrecluse wrote

also, you ever heard of time cube?


BishamonSr OP wrote

Not really! It's something to do with four 24 hour days. I know Gene Ray calls every one stupid who doesn't believe his theory which constitutes to negative energy that speeds up dark energy.


BishamonSr OP wrote

That's your belief. Since there isn't a valid explanation to dark energy, It stands!


celebratedrecluse wrote

That's your belief. Since there isn't a valid explanation to your writing, it stands!


BishamonSr OP wrote

When scientist are able to test a sample of dark energy, I guess we'll find out. But until then, you know like I know that murders turn people cold, violence turns people cold, conflict turns people cold. As the Universe expands it get's colder. The world continues down a path of destruction. Humans seem to never learn. Racism never dies, hate never dies, discrimination never dies. Maybe as the universe cools we are unable to control our hateful ways. If we are able to strengthen our self control someway or another than maybe we can prevent the increase of dark energy. Maybe it's too late. Maybe we are a duplication of a far distant Alien planet that studies us to incorporate our methods in their planet. Maybe it starts with us.


celebratedrecluse wrote

dark energy has nothing to do with human emotions. You need to reflect on why you project your unhappiness with the state of the world, onto the whole universe, which is a different thing than the planet earth or human society.


BishamonSr OP wrote

Has nothing to do with me. It's my view from my experiences on Earth. It's evident that wars and conflicts are happening and have been happening since the beginning of time. Dark energy has been in motion since the beginning as well. Who can actually tell me that I'm wrong?


celebratedrecluse wrote

chickens quack. Simultaneously, your articles are wack. Therefore, chickens quacking prove your articles are wack. PWNED CANT DISPROVE THAT LOL


celebratedrecluse wrote

This garbage pile of words is why too many people laugh at anyone associated with us lol


BishamonSr OP wrote

No, religions laugh at you guys everyday, but they forgive you because you do not believe. It's a theory, just like any other theory that makes sense to some and don't to others. Keep the dark energy flowing quickly.


celebratedrecluse wrote

i don't care what a fundamentalist believer thinks, i care what secular people think, and they look at articles like this and see radical politics as a zone for grifters and people without a clear idea of how reality actually works, conclude that only someone who wants to seek out abuse would become part of that subculture, and then that contributes to our collective marginalization and lack of capacity to change society.

combine that with your assertions that crime is increasing during the pandemic, despite a total lack of evidence, and your desire to sell products through these foolish writings, and I think you are a really fucked up person for trying to put POC and other marginalized people in USA under the criminal justice bus for the sake of your grand theory about...uh, psychocosmology? To sell amazon calculators?

I hate what you are materially putting out into the world, and i will never stop mocking you and marginalizing you for doing this on Raddle, as long as you keep doing it.


celebratedrecluse wrote

This is hilarious that so many of you upvoted this bullshit


BishamonSr OP wrote

It's BS to you, according to my theory, you are part of the problem.