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[deleted] wrote


An_Old_Big_Tree OP wrote

I recommend you read up more on the topic. Nobody's forcing you to be a sex worker, but you move from making personal judgements about your own life to talking about 'the body' as a general things, and that's pretty swerfy! I don't expect everyone to know everything there is to know about these topics, but it's important especially in this forum that people do the minimum work to not say normative things about what bodies are or aren't.


[deleted] wrote


An_Old_Big_Tree OP wrote

I'm having trouble following some of what you're saying. What concerns me is that I don't recall you coming out to make comments against work in the context of other work. It's fine to be anti-work, I am anti-work, but when anti-work gets mobilised selectively against sex work then there's a problem. Perhaps I'm not as familiar with your general posting tendencies as I should be.