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arewehavingfunyet wrote

you think they'll listen? you realize this is heretical to their religion, right?


Majrelende wrote (edited )

Where do you have to live to be able to say this?


daniel wrote

I am receptive to good science, reproducable evidence-based analysis. Science is not a democracy. Science is based on empirical evidence and reproducable experiments.


mofongo OP wrote

No, you don't. I showed you scientific studies that show and prove you're wrong and you ignore them after saying you'll read them. You're a fool and a liar.


arewehavingfunyet wrote

I am receptive to objective reality. the sun is the source of all energy in our solar system, both gravitic and thermal. weve been moving into a grand solar minimum and the weather has correlated with it exactly. all of this global warming nonsense is simply fear propaganda to make people accept Al Gore and his globalist buddies carbon tax scheme.


daniel wrote

AGW is a hypothesis, some call it a theory, and it's fine to do that. We can discuss things that are theoretical, but we shouldn't treat them like they are facts.


mofongo OP wrote

It was an hypothesis 30 years ago, now it doesn't matter because global warming will screw us all.


arewehavingfunyet wrote

they've put a lot more advanced satellites in orbit since spacex got rolling. they are finding that the planet is greening from carbon. they just couldn't have been any more wrong.


mofongo OP wrote

And heating, lots of heating. And deserting, lots of desert. You can't just point at China and claim its 10 million trees is getting the world better when the Amazon is being ravaged.


daniel wrote

Some scientists have actually applied the scientific method to the problem and correctly calculated that planting 1 billion hectares (3,861,021 sq miles) of trees would reduce atmospheric CO2 by 25%. It's also not very expensive. Plus even if they're completely wrong about the CO2-warming thing, you can always use trees for stuff. Wood, sap/syrup, fruit, shade, recreational outdoor stuff, etc. So I would be in favor of it. Would even donate time/money/trees. I think it's a win-win idea.


mofongo OP wrote

You want to plant trees to cut them down? That's defeating the purpose.


[deleted] 0 wrote


mofongo OP wrote

It's like a plan my government had when complaints arose about the construction of a coal power plant. To make things greener, they would make a mahogany forest around the coal plant, located in a semi arid area of the country.


arewehavingfunyet wrote

I agree, but folks like tequila wolf and ziq definitely have inverted moral compasses, and I suspect they run the place. its a thing for enemies to just pump bad stuff out into the world in an attempt to subvert and destroy.


arewehavingfunyet wrote

coming from a logging community, we are in complete agreement.


mofongo OP wrote

Finally, someone from an industry that benefits from less climate change regulation! Is not like cutting down trees to make toothpicks is making climate change worse.