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celebratedrecluse wrote

Lol, yeah. In the electoral bubble, with so much on the line everywhere at once, even anarchists can feel the urge to support or at least acquiesce to these cults of personality. It feels, in those moments, like the last hope for the future.

It turns out, there is no "future"-- not one we will recognize, anyway. The whole idea of futurity and progress has been the enemy the whole time, and so are these cultish followings of bosses and politicians, of billionaires and ah, influencers

In reality, it is the entire ideology of hierarchy itself which continually sends us these metonyms. This is why they are scheduled in every place in this empire, and why countries without the ritual elections (but which still are replete with hierarchies, even) are firebombed into oblivion, turned into warzones, irradiated for the rest of human history, and worse, at every opportunity, always by this "Western" neoliberal empire.

The ideology of competitive synergy, which not only underlies the "free market" of goods but also this "free market" of ideas, needs these rituals to happen at certain intervals. If you don't get it, the effect wears off, and you feel rather like last night's lover has left you to awake alone, in an even deeper depression than the one that made you seek them out.

To place any commitment to a politician or electoral outcome is to be spurned, for this is a most libidinal of politics, indeed the very seat and root of the hegemonic political reproduction. One can best understand electoralism by watching and understanding theoretical critiques of pornography, for when one understands that faith in such a "political outcome" is a way to suspend the animation of one's own psychological features in an erotic and/or thanatic orgasm, it becomes deeply apparent that the idea of a future is in fact not a neutral idea, but horrifyingly instead reveals itself as a normalized way of colonizing the unknown, with all of the grotesque dimensions of the colonizer immanent in this figment of imagination.

Perhaps there are other ways of conceiving of time, futurity, and desire without interacting with the hegemonic cultural matrix, but this can be incredibly difficult to allow organic autonomy to within the current environment. Especially during election years, people are pulled away from more meaningful activity, and are moved to act within the dominant framework.

For example, the futurist ideology and art historical period was implicated with both fascism and anarchism, with nihilism and the Enlightenment, and yet ultimately led and was coopted by the far right.


BrowseDuringClass1917 wrote (edited )

but horrifyingly instead reveals itself as a normalized way of colonizing the unknown

I really like this sentence and the entire idea behind it. I’m a firm believer that capitalism has reached a higher stage than imperialism, one that can be best understood as totalitarian capitalism. Where every sector of life and living has been and is getting increasingly more commodified, a capitalism that is totally encompassing.