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[deleted] wrote (edited by a moderator )

Reply to comment by lena in Do not use VPNs for privacy. by lena


lena OP wrote

A hostile network IS a valid use-case, but the vast majority of corporations outside on the internet will still be able to identify you. Facebook, for example, will likely know exactly who you are and what you're doing on the internet, VPN or no. Same with Google et al.
I apologize if it seems like I'm spreading FUD; I'm trying to get people to have a more accurate threat model. I see a lot of advice about using VPNs, and honestly, in general, it's not very helpful, mostly because it's just shifting the exit point for your traffic. They are not the silver bullet people assume. Also, in all honesty, a truly malicious ISP will likely be able to spy on you regardless of the VPN. The reason I recommend Tor is because of the layers of crypto, preventing the entry node from knowing anything about your traffic.